Benefits of Inpatient Treatment for Addiction & Mental Health

benefits of inpatient treatment

In speaking about addiction, a common refrain is to ask for help. But where? And what do you ask for, exactly? Getting sober doesn’t come with an instruction manual, so it can be hard to know what you’re supposed to do to get better. So to help you make the best choice for yourself, we’re sharing the benefits of inpatient treatment for addiction and mental health.

Keep reading for information on how to pick the right Florida treatment facilities for mental health and addiction. But first, let’s start with perhaps the most significant benefit of inpatient treatment: detox.

1. Safe, Secure Medical Detox

Safe, Secure Medical Detox

If you’re considering quitting drugs and alcohol, it’s normal to feel concerned about withdrawals. These symptoms happen when you’ve been taking drugs or alcohol for a long time and abruptly quit. If you’ve tried to detox at home before, then you know that quitting without help often fails because the withdrawals and cravings are so severe. For example, while withdrawal symptoms depend on what you’re detoxing from, common symptoms include:

  • Anxiety and paranoia
  • Hot flashes
  • Delirium
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Painful cramps
  • Intense cravings

Naturally, all of these factors make it hard to stay sober when you detox at home. But one of the principal benefits of inpatient treatment is that all of these issues can be managed. At our Florida rehab and detox center, we provide a medical detoxification program where medical staff can help treat any withdrawal symptoms as they arise. With 24/7 medical supervision, you can feel safe and comfortable while your body learns to function without drugs or alcohol.

2. Group Addiction and Mental Health Support

Part of what makes substance use disorders so debilitating is the feeling of isolation. Addiction and mental illness make it feel like you’re completely alone, so why bother trying to stay sober? But there are plenty of people out there like you, and a significant benefit of inpatient treatment is getting to work with them through intensive group therapy.

In group therapy, you and other people recovering from addiction and mental illness will work with a mental health expert to have discussions on substance abuse, mental health, and coping skills. By coming together, it becomes easier to identify the patterns and behaviors of addiction and poor mental health. So when you run into these issues in real life, you’ll have a better understanding of how to apply the coping skills you develop in inpatient rehab.

3. Comprehensive Care

Co-occurring substance use disorders and mental health issues can create a substantial challenge. When traditional treatment is only prepared to address one of these issues at a time, it can be hard to get meaningful support. And according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, this is a real problem, with almost 38% of people with substance use disorders also presenting with a mental illness.

However, treatment that addresses both issues is a big benefit of inpatient treatment for addiction and mental illness. At The Blackberry Center, we provide dual diagnosis programming to treat both addiction and its underlying causes. But how does inpatient rehab and mental health treatment work?

By addressing mental illness and substance use disorders as two sides of the same coin, we can help you learn to manage both issues simultaneously. This can include a variety of addiction treatment and mental health programs, including:

  • Psychiatrist assessments
  • Medication management
  • 12-step programming
  • Links to local, community-based services in Orlando, Florida
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy

All of this means better treatment outcomes, lower relapse risk, and more confidence and comfort as you move forward with your life.

4. Crisis Stabilization

Benefits of inpatient treatment: Crisis Stabilization

When you’re really in trouble, getting stabilizing treatment is a big benefit of inpatient treatment. Sometimes, combining addiction and mental illness can be especially dangerous, and during a particularly bad episode you could feel like hurting yourself or others. And those feelings aren’t something you should feel ashamed of, but it is important to get help immediately to keep you and those around you safe.

If you’re feeling out of control, a crisis stabilization program can help. The benefits of this inpatient treatment include having mental health experts manage your case to help you regain control, medication management to make sure that you’re getting all the support you need, and therapeutic activity groups to help you develop coping skills to avoid a similar situation in the future.

5. Space to Focus on Recovery

Arguably the biggest benefit to inpatient treatment is the distance it gives you from everyday life. If you’re struggling with addiction, then there’s a good chance that your home life is not a safe, relaxed space. There could be financial worries, heated arguments, or other people around you who are in an active addiction. And in any of these cases, finding a place to focus solely on improving yourself can make a world of difference.

That’s what The Blackberry Center offers. Among the other benefits of inpatient treatment, we are a private, welcoming treatment center where everybody wants you to succeed. With addiction treatment specialists, mental health experts, physicians, and other professionals on staff, we know that a multidisciplinary approach is the best way to treat your addiction and mental health issues.

When you leave our inpatient programs, you will feel more confident and ready to return to daily living with knowledge of how to handle daily stressors. But to develop those skills, spending some time at an inpatient rehab facility is the best strategy.

The Benefits of Inpatient Treatment Are Waiting

There are countless benefits of inpatient treatment for mental health and addiction, but the five above are some of the biggest. If you’re at a place where you can tell you need help for addiction and a mental health issue, then we want to give you that support. All you have to do is reach out to our Florida rehab center and let us give you a hand.

Would you like to learn more about the benefits of inpatient treatment at The Blackberry Center near Orlando, Florida? Call our friendly admissions specialists at 888-512-9802 or ask your questions online. No matter how bad it feels to live with untreated addiction and mental health issues, there is always a path toward a better life.

The post Benefits of Inpatient Treatment for Addiction & Mental Health appeared first on The Blackberry Center of Central Florida.

Original Author: The Blackberry Center

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