Prescription Medications Rehab Programs for Veterans

Prescription Medications Rehab Programs for Veterans

Prescription drugs like opioids and benzodiazepines are notorious for their addictive qualities. With these drugs, long-term use can easily evolve into dependence, misuse, and eventually addiction. If you are a veteran living with substance use disorder, attending a prescription medications rehab can help you recover and return to daily living.

Heroes’ Mile is a veteran rehab center that offers numerous addiction treatment programs. Everyone has a unique experience with substance abuse, and we acknowledge that by offering individualized treatment plans to suit a variety of needs. Continue reading to learn more about our prescription medications rehab programs and how they can help you overcome addiction.

Prescription Drug Abuse in Veterans

Prescription Drug Abuse in Veterans

We recommend prescription medications rehab to veterans due to how often they tend to experience prescription drug abuse. The National Institute on Drug Abuse shared data that found almost a fourth of all veterans receive an opioid prescription. This is at a much higher rate than the general United States population.

The reason so many veterans end up taking prescription opioid medications involves their predisposition to chronic pain. Life in the military can be dangerous and leave long-lasting impacts on someone’s mental and physical health. Events like combat exposure, military sexual trauma, and training accidents can all contribute to chronic pain.

Receiving a prescription medication does not inherently mean someone will abuse it. However, in some cases, someone’s fight against chronic pain can lead them to misuse their prescription. They may take a higher dose than they are meant to or try to get a longer prescription. When this happens, they would likely benefit from seeking help at a prescription medications rehab.

Prescription Medications Rehab Programs

Addiction is a highly personal condition. Depending on factors such as the type of substance, length of addiction, and quality of someone’s home life, the best type of prescription drug rehab program for them will change. For example, some individuals need a more intensive level of care than others.

Below, we have outlined the prescription medications rehab programs available at Heroes’ Mile. Each offers flexible treatment options to provide for as many veterans as possible, regardless of their personal situation. By developing an individualized treatment plan with the aid of Heroes’ Mile staff, anyone can overcome substance abuse.

Medical Detox

Many people start prescription drug addiction treatment with a medical detox. When someone tries to quit using prescription medications, they often experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. If these symptoms are left untreated, some (such as seizures) pose a risk of developing into life-threatening conditions.

Prescription medications rehab centers typically offer a medical detox to eliminate those risks. Medical detox programs place patients under 24/7 medical supervision. The team of licensed physicians and addiction experts responsible for their care knows the early warning signs of withdrawal complications. They can act quickly to circumvent any potential dangers.

That being said, most side effects of withdrawal are mild. Common withdrawal symptoms people experience when quitting prescription drugs include:

  • Tremors
  • Sweating
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Irritability or agitation
  • Paranoia
  • Drug cravings

Even though these symptoms are minor, a medically supervised detox can help minimize their impact as well. Medical detox patients set themselves up for the smoothest detox process possible. While they may still encounter some degree of discomfort, the medical professionals taking care of them will soothe their symptoms as much as they can.

Residential Prescription Drug Rehab

The most intensive form of addiction treatment comes in the form of a residential treatment program, also known as inpatient rehab. During residential treatment, patients live at our retreat-like facility and fully immerse themselves in recovery every day.

Our inpatient prescription medications rehab program utilizes a variety of evidence-based treatment options, such as:

With daily exposure to the above treatment modalities, patients can achieve a quick and effective recovery from drug addiction. During our various therapeutic activities, they develop vital coping skills that will serve them for the rest of their lives, including healthy communication skills and emotional regulation.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Not everyone who enrolls in a prescription medications rehab program needs the intensity of inpatient treatment. Some individuals, especially if they have sober and supportive home environments, actually benefit more from spending less time on-site.

An intensive outpatient program (IOP) provides the means for them to do exactly that. IOP patients only visit the addiction recovery center for a few hours each day. This allows them to spend more time with their families at home, re-engage with their communities, or even start looking for a job.

By opting for an IOP, patients still have access to all the same exceptional treatment options as their inpatient counterparts. They simply recognize that they are in a stable enough place mentally, socially, and physically that they don’t need to structure their entire day around treatment.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

For veterans who need more support from a prescription medications rehab than that offered by an IOP, they may consider a partial hospitalization program (PHP) instead. PHPs are more intensive than standard IOPs, but they also are not as intensive as a residential rehab program.

Instead, they offer an “in between” option, in which patients spend time on site every day but still return home at night. One way to view the level of intensity is to consider a PHP like a full-time job. It is a substantial commitment, but still allows patients the independence they need to start reintegrating into their communities.

Some individuals may participate in a PHP after completing residential prescription medications rehab. It serves as an excellent source of structure and support while someone transitions back to everyday life. Veterans in particular may have a difficult time readjusting to civilian life, so for them, the potential benefits of PHPs are two-fold.

Prescription Medications Rehab for Veterans

Heroes’ Mile is an addiction treatment center that offers assistance to veterans living with substance abuse and mental health disorders. Whether you fight against alcohol, illicit drugs, or prescription medications, a rehab program at Heroes’ Mile can help.

Created for veterans by veterans, we offer unique benefits to service members that they would not find at civilian treatment facilities. Most notably, we believe in recovery through common ground.

By surrounding yourself with peers and staff members who are all fellow veterans, you can form lasting bonds forged from mutual understanding. None of our patients are made to feel isolated or alienated by their unique military experiences. At Heroes’ Mile, we understand what you have been through.

Contact Us Today

For more information about our prescription medications rehab programs, please contact us today. You can reach our admissions specialists by calling 888-838-6692 or filling out a confidential contact form. If you have any questions or interest in beginning treatment, they will happily guide you through your next steps.

Above all, remember that you are not alone in the battles you face. We are here to help those living with substance use disorders get the treatment they need. To get started on the path to recovery, call Heroes’ Mile today.

The post Prescription Medications Rehab Programs for Veterans appeared first on Heroes’ Mile Veterans Recovery Center.

Original Author: Heroes’ Mile

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