What’s My Why: David Cartagena, Director of Programs


My name is David Cartagena, and I have been Heroes’ Mile’s Director of Programs since the treatment center opened in June of 2019. My responsibilities include supervising our therapists and recovery advocates, facilitating treatment team meetings, reviewing client charts, monitoring group therapy sessions, and setting our clinical schedule.

I have worked in addiction recovery for 20 years, and I was drawn to this work through my own personal experiences. I’ve had many friends and family members struggle with addiction, and as an Army veteran and the son of an Army veteran, I have always wanted to help my fellow veterans.

Throughout my career, I’ve been driven by patient success. Every time I see a patient accomplish something or reach a new goal, I’m reminded why I care so much about this work. When a patient can leave our care in a better place, with a clear plan forward, I know that I’ve done my job.

We Got Your Six

Heroes’ Mile is a substance abuse, post-traumatic stress, and military sexual trauma program designed for military service veterans experiencing problems with addiction and other psychological challenges related to their military services. We are located in DeLand, FL, and are committed to serving those who served our country.

If you are a veteran or would like to refer a veteran to our program, please call an Admissions Specialist today at 386-319-1837.

The post What’s My Why: David Cartagena, Director of Programs appeared first on Heroes’ Mile Veterans Recovery Center.

Original Author: kallie Shirling

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