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Inpatient Anorexia Treatment for Veterans

If you’re a veteran searching for a comprehensive inpatient anorexia treatment, it may be hard to find one...

Equine Therapy Near Me

If you’re a veteran searching for “Equine therapy near me”, Heroes’ Mile provides this evidence-based treatment and...

C-PTSD vs. PTSD: What’s the Difference?

As a veteran, you’re most likely familiar with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). But have you heard of...

What to Do in a Mental Health Emergency to Stay Safe

Everyone goes through periods where they’re prone to more negative emotions like sadness, anger, or anxiety. And...

Breathing Exercises for Stress Relief

How many times have you been told to “take a deep breath” every time you get stressed...

Delusions vs Hallucinations: The Real Difference

Though often thought of as similar things, delusions and hallucinations present in very different ways for veterans...

Outpatient Mental Health Care vs. Inpatient: Which Is Better?

When you’re looking for mental health care, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by choice. In particular, many...

Barriers to Mental Health Treatment for Veterans

Despite the fact that treatment options for people with mental illnesses continue to become more effective and...

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